shaun and ed

shaun and ed
shaun and Ed

Monday, August 24, 2009

Shawshank Redemption- Roof Scene

Setting- On the roof of a prison building and the prisoners laying on tar. Early morning sun with no cloud. Bright day.


Beer- The prisoners get given cold beer on an early sunny morning. This makes the inmates feel like free men as they sip away looking into the sunrise.

 Mops- These are used by the prisoners to smear the tar onto the roof which shows them as being slaves, doing the dirty work.

 Guns- The guns are used by the guards to show power and control.

Colour, intensity and texture- bright day with some shadow where Andy is to show he is still separated from the group and still lives in his own world.

Lighting- dim light, not dark or too bright, early morning sunrise.

Costume- convicts wearing old ragged clothes to represent imprisonment and that they are criminals, guards wearing clean costumes that show their status and that they have a higher hierarchy.

Acting style- Andy shows little emotion as if he knows what he is doing but has the guts to go up to Handly and tell him how to keep his money. Handlys character is always angry and can do what he wants with the prisoners. He has a frightening nature and never is happy.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

How the movie 'Twister' fits into the Disaster Genre

The film ‘Twister’ fits into a disaster genre through its film techniques, such as action, sound effects, lighting and music to distinctively fit this film into the disaster genre. Action is a main technique because it creates suspense and overall excitement like when the twister comes racing towards the storm chasers rapidly tearing up houses and destroying power lines. This is usually the part in the film where the most problems happen to the characters. Sound effects are greatly needed because it shows how horrible and frightening the twister is. This also shows when the action is coming which creates emotion amongst the characters. The lighting in the film always gets darker when the twister approaches in the local town, with lightning in the background. This is to scare the audience and create tension because you don’t know if the characters are going to survive or not. The music in the film helps to emphasize an eminent disaster by having fast paced orchestra music which creates fear and destruction that can’t be stopped. There is slower paced music at the end of the film which tells the audience the destruction is over and many people are now safe. All these techniques help to bring the film into disaster genre rather than a drama or action genre. There are also shot techniques such as panning, high shots, low shots and close up shots which fit into the film techniques I discussed. This is used as the audience likes to see emotion in the characters which may summarise the characters. Also many shots surround the action of disaster with high and low shots of panning to show how fast paced and terrible the storm is.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Disaster Genre

·Character types - often divided into heroes and villains- there is usually a main character that saves the day or saves the day dying. In a disaster movie there is always more than one main character and they are mainly in different situations throughout a disaster. But these characters usually always meet up in the end even when they get separated.

·Narrative (structure of the story) - motivation (e.g. the reason behind the events- in a Road Movie it’s to get to a certain place for whatever reason, in a Thriller it’s to find the murderer); endings; events. - This is where the character is talking to him, but in the movie the character is actually talking towards the audience about how to save someone or get out of trouble in a disaster film. This is how the character gets ideas and also creates suspense especially when you don’t know what is going to happen.

·Settings - places where the action happens. – In a disaster film the setting is usually in the place where the action and thrill is happening, because that’s where the audience’s attention is captured. And especially in a disaster film you want to see the destruction and chaos that it causes.

·Music - sets the mood of the genre. – music is extremely important in a disaster film because it creates tension and suspense like just before a whole heap of people die or when the main character saves the day or when the disaster is coming towards a city. The music speeds up when people are in trouble or know they are going to die and when the day is saved and it’s over, the music is slow, peaceful and happy.

·Mode of transport - how the characters get from place to place. (This often takes on a symbolic meaning for the characters.) In a disaster film there are usually many modes of transports such as planes, cars, trucks and bikes because of so many people trying to escape. Since in disaster films the characters are usually running there is always more than one use of transport.

·Themes/values - main ideas being presented, the moral principles or standards being shown. – In a disaster genre themes and values are important as it tells you more about the characters and how they act in terrible situations. This also shows the main ideas in the film and how the characters deal with each situation.

·Costume/dress - what characters wear often shows them as representing a certain 'type' of person. – A character may have really nice clothes which show they have a good job and lots of money. There would be other characters which would have average jobs and poor people all determined by how they dress. Someone posh would always have a suit and a poor person, clothes that are dirty, old and second hand. In a disaster genre, there are always different costumes that show what type of person they are throughout the film.

·Objects and symbols - characters are often associated with an object; also something in the film (i.e. a symbol) may represent the characters story or the ideas in the film. – in a disaster genre a symbol of a lost one may keep a main character going and not giving up, such as a possession of a loved one or child. Also if the character is religious like a cross. There are other objects like a rose or dove to symbol peace and fire and darkness to represent hatred and death. This will represent characters feelings and create a story. Objects and symbols in a film will always lead to an idea which could cost life and death.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Dark Knight Practice Assessment

Question 1- Visual Element

The film technique of ‘close-up’ contributes to the meaning of the dark knight film by showing many different visual features. By using close-up the make-up of the ‘Joker’ and ‘two face’ is seen very well, since you can see the burnt face and muscles moving on two face looking very distressed and monster like, while he lies in the hospital recovering. With the Joker you can see his messy make up of his red lips, black eyes and white face showing his scary appearance to the audience. Close-up also shows the characters emotions more clearly. E.g. when the Joker and Two- face are talking in the hospital both their faces mostly have close-up shots so you can see the emotion happening, changing from angry to feeling alive. The same with detective Gordon looking at his phone when receiving a text his face becomes scared and surprised, almost emotionless as well. So close-up shots show make-up and emotions at its best.

Question 2- Aural Element
-Sound effects

Sound effects contribute to the meaning of the dark knight by showing an array of different sounds and noises throughout the hospital scene. This scene portrays fear, when the explosions go off and people scream, showing fear in the in movie and for the audience. Also excitement and thrill, throughout the sound effects of the scene. Thrill and excitement is shown when the hospital collapses which makes it exciting and capturing the audience’s attention with thrill. So sound effects make a big part in this scene to make it one of the best throughout the movie. E.g. when the Joker sets off the explosions in the hospital it sounds incredibly real and amazing. With background screaming and explosions going off everywhere this causes a sense of chaos. So sound effects play a big role throughout the film, changing how much we enjoy the film.

Question 3- Editing and Production Design

The setting contributes to the meaning of the dark knight by showing us where the scene is set and why it has been chosen. In this scene the most common setting is inside the hospital because that’s the centre of attention at that part of the movie. It is also where one of the main characters is the ‘joker’ talking to Harvey dent while he lies in his bed. Also the hospital is shown from the outside, so you see what’s happening around it. E.g. all the people are getting evacuated from the hospital and has been declared a state of emergency, so there’s police and it’s very chaotic. As the joker enters the building you can see the explosions in the background so you know what happening which gives a good setting to the audience.

Question 4 and 5- Character
-Sound, movement and shot size

These film languages are used to show insanity from the Joker, I will explain how the film makers accomplished this. Sound has been used to represent the joker well by playing fast and scary sounds which lead up to the joker, doing something insane or preparing an evil plot. E.g. when a police officer walks down the corridor towards the joker just sound becomes a very fast beat. Every time the joker is cut to, there’s a sort of senseless sound which gives you an impression, of who actually is that person behind the costume. So sound makes a big difference to the characters in the film. Movement is shown incredibly a lot with the joker because he is always on the move plotting villainous acts all throughout the movie. In this scene every movement the joker does tells us if he’s calm or always wanting to be destroy some thing. The way he walks and picks up things, he’s shaky and doesn’t walk straight which represents his insanity. E.g. when he walks out of the hospital likes he’s a girl or a child just playing a game. Shot size is shown quite cleverly with the Joker so close-up shot to mid-shot and wide to extra wide all depending on how the character is moving. So when the Joker was talking to Harvey most of the shots were close-ups and mid shots because they were talking, but the shots were fast paced because of all the Jokers movements. E.g. as the Joker started moving more the shot size just kept getting larger because there was so much action happening in the background. So sound, movement and shot size all relate within that scene.

Question 6, 7 and 8- Atmosphere
-Editing pace/rhythm, costume and lighting

Through editing pace and rhythm in the scene we can see why the Joker is allowing normal people to see him for who he is. When the Joker talks or is seen by people the editing pace and pace often slows down at first when he is first seen, the pace pick up really fast and the rhythm is timed perfectly. This type of pace is only used on the Joker which is a way to show his insanity in that scene. E.g. when he first meets with Harvey the pace is slow but begins to get faster as the conversation begins. Costume is one of the main signs of insanity of the joker in the scene. You first see him with a nurse’s uniform on and women’s hair wig and with his usual white face and red lips like a clown. This gives an impression of craziness and insanity when other people see him because no one ever looks like that around town. So people think he’s mad and a lunatic. E.g. when he’s finished blowing up the hospital he hops into a bus full of terrorized and scared patients thinking he’s a nurse. People just wonder what’s wrong with him. So costume creates insanity in the Joker and allows people to see who he really is. Lighting can also create insanity in the Joker by expressing his facial features, e.g. his make-up. So throughout the scene with the Joker it was always bright to see his face wherever. Even when he was talking to Harvey ‘two face’ he always stood out the most in the light because the film makers want to express his insanity towards people, so it gives people a sense of fear which makes them frightened. E.g. so when the shot was centred on the Joker in the hospital he stood out more than the white background. So lighting brings out the terror within the Joker when he confronts a person, which sort of gives him a sense of importance. So all these film elements bring out the insanity in the Joker that normal people experience.

Question 9- Atmosphere

The element of background sound/music within the film was not used. This effect could have been used to create suspense. By using this to create suspense it could have made a part in the scene more exciting. E.g. if Harvey was listening to the radio then it just lost signal, then add the fasting beating sound would add extra suspense. this would have been created by giving a feeling of excitement as well as what’s lurking around the corner feeling, which would drive the audience to concentrate more. That’s how background sound/music would add further suspense to the film and scene.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Group Shaun of the Dead Close Reading

The first 4min of shaun of the dead.The opening scene starts off with music that sounds scary but has a twist of comedy so your not sure whats going to happen. The screen becomes blank and the music builds up and up like something interesting is going to happen, but you hear a bell ring and theres a medium close up of shaun looking bored and taking a sip of his beer. Hes in his own little world,just daydreaming so it builds up to nothing at all just a boring character who has no life. After the basic intro in the Winchester, the camera starts to play a ‘bouncy – horror’ type music. This music lets the audience realize the movie is a comedy. The continuation of the intro shows the audience the scenery of the town, so that they can get a general idea of the area.Liz starts to confront Shaun, he shifts his focus to her but still sits looking blankly and using minimal responses. Liz asks “do you see what I’m saying?” Shaun clearly hasn’t been paying attention and simply says “yeah”. Already in this first 40 seconds we have a good insight to Shaun’s life. He is just a simple guy who has problems in his life and would rather ignore them at the pub then solve them. The lighting of the scene is Bright in the for ground and dark in the back. This is used to just show what is needed and nothing extra in the background. The charactors faces are well light so you can see all of there expressions and manorisms, especially Shaun as he is the most important.
After the opening 'Bar scene' it cuts to the opening credits with this strange circusy type music playing. The camera pans across a supermarket showing the workers looking quite a lot like zombies the shot then changes to a view of a bus stop with several men texting on their phones in a uniformed way. The shot changes once more to a group of 'Hoodies' doing a strange dance in an alley then changes again to a view of Shaun's house where a young teen plays hackey with a soccer ball. The scene ends with Shaun's feet stumbling out of bed in a sluggish manner.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Shaun of the Dead Close Reading

The first 4min of shaun of the dead.
The opening scene starts off with music that sounds scary but has a twist of comedy so your not sure whats going to happen. The screen becomes blank and the music builds up and up like something interesting is going to happen, but you hear a bell ring and theres a medium close up of shaun looking bored and taking a sip of his beer. Hes in his own little world,just daydreaming so it builds up to nothing at all just a boring character who has no life. So you see shaun and his girlfriend talking about how their relationship is at, just going to the winchester every night. The expressions are still captured with a medium close-up, but they don't start off both in the same shot.
You hear the bell ring again and you can see on shauns table they have been there the whole night because there were beer glasses everywhere, which is shown by a medium shot next to his girlfriend. As they get closer talking to each other and ever so boring, theres a cut to a close-up of shaun and his girlfriend, but shows shuns best friend ed playing video games and commenting to himself how much he sucks every time shaun has a quick break from talking. From looking at eds clothes and the way he speaks and his body language no one likes him and he doesn't have a job. As we also listen in the bar its got that boring music which sets the scene for shaun. Humour is added when ed speaks in such rude comments like when he finishes his game.
Ed gets some money out which cuts to a close-up of the coins coming out of the machine, he then comes over to shaun and his girlfriend. This cuts to a high angle wide so you can see shaun, his girlfriend, people in the bar and shauns girlfriends friends sitting way over on another table trying to join in with the conversation because there so bored after what seems like forever.(this is shown as a wide shot with them sitting next to each other, which shows they must know each other quite well. Quick cut to a high angle of ed looking at shaun and his girlfriend, then a quick cut to a low wide angle from the table in between the glasses. Ed makes a rude comment " do any of you c**ts want a drink" towards shaun and his girlfriend with a high angle. This shows ed is very annoying. A medium shot looking at shaun again, then ed throws a packet of peanuts at his face, which makes a laugh, but not to ed as if he always does that. Shaun eats his peanuts with a depressed face trying to concentrate on what his girlfriend is saying. The surrounding sounds get weaker and shaun goes back into his own world again.

This scene is started the same and ended the same but with the shot coming out of his face at the start and going towards him at the end. The scene also starts and ends with shaun drifting off into his own world. Even though this starter scene is boring with comedy it actually tells you a lot about each character that spoke. From looking at their expressions body language and how they are dressed you can see how the characters each have their own unique personality's and styles. The scene also shows how boring, lazy and stupid shaun and ed are and how their relationships don;t work with people.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Shaun of the Dead Review

I just finished watching shaun of the dead at school for media studies and it was surprisingly quite funny! but it had too much bad language but I guess that made it funny and thats what the characters are meant to act like. Great actors! some of the funniest british comedian actors around which made it more exciting than the story. I found the story and movie alright, because its a take-off of dawn of the dead, a serious horror movie, but I still reckon the story could have been improved.
Dispite my little disappointment in the story I really found the music, shots and the way everything relates to the characters amazing, just the way everything is connected even though its incredibly stupid. I also found that this a very hard to achieve in such a funny movie which makes fun of a horror film. The way everything is put together so perfectly makes it one to watch and if you enjoy movies like this its worth watching but only if your really interested. I would give it a 5/10 so i liked it a little.
There is many emotion changes throughout the movie, like when shauns family and friends die which is sad but quickly changes to a funny remark or something that leads up to a part that you would never expect, it that fast!. Zombies in the film started early in the movie which made you think, what going to happen next, which give a sense of suspense but the music doesn't show so you expect something hilarious to happen.
What I like about shaun is that his life always resolves at the pub whether hes happy,sad or just trying to get away from zombies, thats how it like at the start and end. The music and sounds try to tell you something exciting might happen, but its just shauns friend ed playing video games and throwing a packet of peanuts at shauns face while shaun talks to his girlfriend. Although these guys don't seem exciting it gets better as the movie goes on and the more they get desperate for help.
Another part of the film is where they are , well ...yes back in the pub fighting zombies where they try come up with everything possible but end up doing the worst. Ed starts playing video games and they start fighting the bar man whos a zombie with pool sticks while the jutebox plays bar music, which makes it incredibly stupid but also very interesting.
I still would have to say that Hot Fuzz made by the same people is far better and far more funny and its 100% original so watch that then this.
This is my review and what I think but always watch the movie before you judge cause you might have a different opinion.

shaun of the dead

shaun of the dead